High-Security Printing

The High Security Printing™ EMEA is an annual event that focuses on government-specified and issued documents.

These include currency, fiduciary documents, excise stamps, ID cards, e-passports, visas, vehicle documents and licences, with a particular emphasis on banknotes and the emerging technologies for ID and travel documents. Speakers are specialists in their field providing technical presentations, include some regional case studies. Running in tandem with the event is a trade exhibition of over 40 exhibitors working in the currency, e-passport, smart card, authentication and related industries.

The conference, which provides excellent networking opportunities alongside the programme and exhibition, is complemented by a number of social events, including a welcome cocktail reception and gala dinner.

Attendance at the EMEA events is generally in the region of 260 with attendees from all parts of the globe, although this event focuses on Central/Eastern Europe and the CIS states. This provides an excellent opportunity to meet senior level decision makers in one location and will be of interest to those companies already working in, or looking to expand into the region.

Government organisations are provided an attractive fee structure whilst  delegates who live and work in the region are also eligible for reduced rates.

Security Document World

For more than a decade, the SDW conference and exhibition has set the benchmark for the government identity industry. Attracting a highly qualified audience from almost 80 countries – including government delegations from more than 30 countries – this event provides a truly global showcase for technology innovators, industry disruptors, and solution providers.

In 2020, SDW will power forward with a two-day exhibition, as well as having a host of new attractions, making it even more valuable to exhibitors, sponsors and attendees. From peer-to peer networking to targeted interactive round tables, and a conference with hundreds of expert speakers, SDW will be a rich source of potential business opportunities.